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Red Cappuccett Furlan Version

Categoria: VARIO

KEYWORDS: svago |
Inserito in DATA: 17/04/2014 | Vai ai COMMENTI
One mattine her mari i ha dit: "Dear Cappuccett, take this borse to the nonebisse, but sta tente to the lôf that is very ma very tant trist! And torn ad ore! Good luck! And in bocje at the lôf!"...
Cappuccett didn't capit very ben this ultin thing but went away, bessole, with the borse.
Cjamining cjamining, in the cûr of the forest, at un biel monent she cjated the lôf, who I ha dit: "Hi! little fantate! 'Ndulà are you going?"
"To the nonebisse with this little borse, which is little but it is full of a grump of chocolate and biscòs and gubanis and more and mirtills" she dissed.
"Ah, ben pò (maybe an expression like a dì: what a cul that I had) dissed the lôf, with a river of bave out of the bocje.
And so the lôf dissed: "Ben pò, now I scugni go because the telephonin is suning, sorry."And the lôf went away, but not very away, but to the nonebisse's House.
Cappuccett Red, who was very ma very lente, lente un casin, continued for her strade in the forest.
The lôf arrived at the house, sunated the campanel, ientered, and after saludating the nonebisse, mangjed her in a boconade.
Then, after spudating the dentier and the glass voli, he, mituted the ridicule night scuffe, distired himself in the liet.
When Cappuccett Red came to the fente nonebisse's house, tucched and  ientered.
But when the little and stupid girl saw the nonebisse (non was the  nonebisse, but the lôf, ti visitued?) dissed: "But none, why do you stay  tal liet?"
And the none-lôf: "Oh, I've stortated my genoli doing aerobics!"
"Oh, poor none!" said Cappuccett (she was more than stupid, I think,  wasn't she?)
Then she dissed: "But...what big voli you have! Do you bisugne some gottis?"
"Oh, no! It's for see you better, my dear (stupid) little girl" dissed  the none-lôf.
Then cappuccett, who was more dure than a block of piere (someone says  modon): "But what big orelis you have! Do you have the Oreglons?"
And the none-wolfe: "Oh, no! It is to sintì you better."
And Cappuccett (that I think was now really rincoionited) said: "But  what big bocje grandononone you have!"
And the lôf, at this point dissed: "It is to mangjà you better!" and  mangjed really dute intiare the poor little fantate.
But (ta dahhh!) out of the house, a simpatic, curious and innocent  Cjacciador/alpin/deprotesioncivil, not yet drunk dal dut, scolted all and dissed: "Orcoio! A lôf! Its pelice coste a grump of bezs."
And so, lusingated only for the compassion for the little girl, butted  par tiare many kilos of fasans, fringuells and cunins that he had coped  till that moment, imbracced the sclope, entered in the stansie and  killed the lôf.
Then sbudelated his panse (being attent not to rovinà  the pelice) and tired fur the nonebisse (still vive) and Cappuccett  (still rincoionided).
And so, at the end, the cjcciador/aplin/deprotesioncivil had vendude the  pelice and put in his own sacchete honestly a grump of bezs.
The nonebisse manghied duttis the leccornies, that were in the borse (slowly because the dentiere was lost).
And so, everybody lived felis and contents (maybe not the lôf)

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